God is so good
Thank God for a good time on October 11-31,2010. Robert and Linda Snowdon came to my house for teaching English to Tiwa and me. Every day We can practice with them by conversations ,Pray Walk , Teach The children at the church and The village. We have a good time good friend and good opportunity to improve English and Evangelize to another people.
Please Pray for Kun Oil (อ้อย) who is Tiwa Ice-Cream customer. She is help us for teaching in her village. Then we went to her house and talk about Jesus with her and gave the Bible and Christian books. She is very excited when Robert and Linda told her about good news.
(2Tim 2:21 [NIV-r])
If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.
This scripture is the reason make me would like to study English. Because I would like to God use my life more and more for the kingdom of God.
That time I can “Learning by Doing” But in the beginning for me. I hope to have more opportunity.
Thank you The Lord very much. because God is so good for me and I know “God is good all the time and all the time God is good”
In Jesus Christ.
Bandhit&Tiwa Dawaen
Bandhit&Tiwa Dawaen